This fourth and final match of the summer season takes place on Sunday July 23rd, at Abingdon. NB: This is a switch from the original venue on the YDL website which still shows it at Oxford.
This has been a good year for Ealing and our athletes from St Marys AC. In a competitive division we have held our own and are now battling with Vale of Aylesbury for second place. The individual events have been very competitive with plenty of good athletes to test ourselves against.
The team coach leaves from outside Gurnell Swimming Pool, Ruislip Road East at 9:00am. Please bring a £2.00 contribution if you are coming on the coach.
If travelling independently, please let team managers know so you can be advised of the time of your event. The match takes place at Tilsley Park, Dunmore Road, Abingdon OX14 1PU. Click here for the timetable: YDL UAG Timetables.
Take the A40/M40 and then A40 to Oxford. Turn left at Headington Roundabout and follow Eastern Bypass Road for approx 5 miles. Turn left again onto A34 heading south towards Newbury/M4/Abingdon. After 2 miles come off slip road into Abingdon and follow Oxford Road for 500yds before turning right into Dunmore Road. After approx another 500 yards arrive at the stadium on your right. Journey will take approx 1 hour.
An alternative route is to take the M4 to Newbury (Junction 13). Take signs for A34 North to Abingdon.
Please contact:
Tim Hannah (Men’s team) 07734 021899
Kay Stewart (Women’s team) 07762 112574