Stewart Davis wins National 800m – Antigua – Sun 03 Jun 2012

Stewart Davis won the 800m race at the Antigua and Barbuda Nationals on 3rd June for the 2nd year running, as he reports below…

Hello Bob/ Steve M

So yesterday was our first race of the year and it was one heck of a way to kick off representing Ealing after a good few months of not competing.  It was a slow tactical race as I made the mistake of not taking on the race but in the end I stepped out with just over 200m to go and pulled it out in a very very close race.

Today I will work on getting the Association to send you guys the official results so we can get it up on the Power of 10 and maybe also on our Ealing web site (I HOPE)…

Next weekend I will be in action once again at the Eastern Caribbean Champs and there I’m sure we will have a much better race and a quicker time as I will have people there that will be taking out the race.

This may be our road to the Olympics guys so the next few weeks are gonna be very important and I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank
Steve and the Club for its support since I’ve been around. It’s been pretty amazing but also pretty difficult making the decision to come back here
to do my training but Steve and I were able to get things back on track.

Please see the photos attached and I will try to get that video over to you guys over the next few days… I’m looking forward to being back in a few weeks after a few more races out here.

Double national champion after being out for 9 years is a pretty good accomplishment guys… We will keep on working on getting the times down as we go along over the next few weeks.

Thanks again for everything.


See all of Stewart’s pictures in Picasa.

