South Bucks 10k – Wexham – Sun 02 Oct 2016

After the bumper club turnout for the Ealing Half last weekend, only a dozen ESM members tackled the South Bucks 10k at Black Park on Sunday. However, those who made the trip were rewarded with mild, sunny conditions, and half came home with new PBs.

First home for the club was Nick Steel, who worked his way into the top ten as the race progressed and whittled another 20 seconds from the PB he set at the Vitality 10000 in May. His pre-race preparations apparently included a beery evening in Brighton, and getting to bed around 2am. (Dave Bedford would be proud of you, Nick!) NB: This is not a recommendation. Nick may have improved his PB yet further had he spent his evening differently…

Mark Kencroft had an injury to manage but still came in under the 40 minutes, declaring he was determined to be race-fit for the start of the cross-country season in two weeks’ time. Walid Fawaz made an unannounced but welcome appearance, and has clearly been doing some effective training. Having set his PB here last year, he knocked the best part of two minutes off that. Simon Turrell struggled with some hamstring stiffness after the half marathon but still finished only slightly outside the PB he set at the Bearbrook 10k in August. Gary Stringer had a great run, beating his expectations and clocking just one second slower than his PB set back in 2011. John Falvey’s sub-40 PB dates from the last century, but he was pleased to get under 50 minutes on this occasion.

Sarah Gerrie led the women home in fifth, enjoying her first PB at this distance for two years. Pat Thomas was well outside her PB but after three races in three days was pleased at further evidence of her post-injury rehabilitation. Louise Prince and Gary ran together for most of the race, and although Gary pulled away towards the end, Louise smashed her PB by two minutes with her first official sub-50 minute 10k. Gill Morgan’s PB also dates from the last century, (like John’s, only faster), but she was pleased to be able to take part in this club championship event. Alison Turrell, like Simon, had run a PB at the Bearbrook 10k in August, but sliced two minutes from that, while Estelle McLaughlin made her debut at the distance.

This is a small friendly race with good PB potential and it would be good to see more club members tackle it next year.

Summary of ESM results
Men: 9 Nick Steel 35:54; 29 Mark Kencroft (M40) 39:32; 95 Walid Fawaz (M40) 47:08; 103 Simon Turrell (M40) 47:32; 114 Gary Stringer (M50) 48:38; 123 John Falvey (M60) 49:38
Women: 5 Sarah Gerrie 41:25; 22 Patricia Thomas (W45) 47:14; 28 Louise Prince (W45) 48:59; 34 Gillian Morgan (W55) 51:14; 37 Alison Turrell (W45) 52:44; 44 Estelle McLaughlin 54:41

Full results here

