Senior, Masters, & U20 XC Champions 2015-16

With the last Met League over it’s time to add up the scores and work out who were this winter’s champions. Whilst lots of people turned out in one race or another, few people did enough races to be in contention.
In the end it came down to one new favourite, Simon Shaw, and one old favourite Fiona Kennedy. A special mention though to Carol Jones, Mark Kencroft and Steve Plested for turning out in the most championship races.
The full table of awards is:
 Senior Junior Veteran
 Simon Shaw  Florjan Bakalli  Simon Shaw
 Mark Kencroft  Mukhtar Farah  Mark Kencroft
 Florjan Bakalli  Manish Kunwar  Steve Plested
 Fiona Kennedy  N/A  Carol Jones
 Carol Jones  Grazina Narviliene
 Grazina Narviliene  Patricia Thomas

