North West London League – Finsbury Park – Sat 02 Feb 2013

The high points of the fourth fixture of the season were three individual wins out of the eight races.
Best of the day were the Under 15 boys. Mukhtar Farah ran a fine tactical race and finished strongly to win. Rashid Riyad in 5
th place and Connor McCarthy 13th completed the scoring team who recorded their first team win of the season, ably backed up by Karolis Narvilas in 16th place.

The Under 11 girls had their best team result of the season so far, finishing 3rd out of twelve teams.
Feia Starkey again ran the perfect tactical race, sticking close to her TVH arch-rival until the final 400 metres, then kicking to finish 30 metres clear. Lucy O’Brien ran very strongly to finish 10
th with Rosie Cox completing the scoring team in 21st and newcomer Emily Nicholson close behind in 22nd.

There was another individual win in the boys Under 13 race. John Fielding opened up a convincing lead in the first quarter of the race, and never lost it, storming home to finish in fine style well clear of his nearest rival. George Kerry had his best race of the season so far and in a close fought contest finished 4th, only three seconds behind 2nd place. Newcomer Hassan Ismail ran very well to complete the scoring team in 15th. Two more newcomers Abdullahi Ismail and Alex Songtung finished in 28th and 32nd. The team finished third but the league positions are very close and with one race still to go the title is not yet out of reach. The boys currently lie third in the league.

The Under 13 girls finished 3rd on the day and consolidate their position of second in the league.
Nicola Ravenhill ran very strongly and stuck with the leading group for the whole race eventually finishing a close 5
th. Laura Stewart was not far behind her in 10th place with Emma Purcell completing the scoring team in 12th. Charlotte Mather backed them up strongly in 23rd.

Other commitments meant a depleted Under 15 girls team.
Jennie Connelley had her best race of the season to finish a strong 11
th. Millie Atherton was next home in 18th, in a large field. However without a third scorer the girls had to settle for 7th place.

The Under 17 women also lacked a third scorer but due to the smaller numbers in that age group still held their own very well. Olivia Will continued her fine run of form finishing 4th with Josie Elliott in 6th. The team finished third and they hold on to second position in the league.

We have struggled all season to get out the younger boys in any numbers and Saturday was no exception. Our sole Under 11 boy was Reuben Gifford, and in his first race he finished a very creditable 19th earning valuable club points. With no Under 17 men racing at all, the Under 17 team who had held top place in the league, slipped back down.

Provisional placings for the combined teams in the League (which has 10 teams in all) is girls/women 2nd and boys/men in 6th place.

Report by Graham French. Pictures by Jean King here.

