Charlie Williams 1930 – 2013

The Club was very sad to hear the news that Charlie Williams, one of its honorary members, had passed away on 18th August. Charlie’s association with us was as a timekeeper for track meetings and road races at Perivale and for club and schools cross country meetings at Horsenden Hill.

For many in the athletics world he is best known for his wonderful career as a sprinter. As a senior he won a bronze in the 100 yards at the AAA’s Champs and represented Trinidad and Tobago at the 1958 Empire and Commonwealth Games in Cardiff. As a veteran he won many titles at World and European Championships and set many age group records along the way.

Charlie’s wife Evelyn regularly used to accompany him to our meetings where she helped out with the refreshments. Our condolences go to her and all his family.

The funeral will take place at Breakspear Crematorium, Ruislip on Tuesday 27th August at 12 noon.

A detailed account of Charlie’s career, written by Alastair Aitken a few years ago, can be found here on Highgate’s website.

This week’s edition of Athletics Weekly (essential reading for all track, field & road running enthusiasts) has an article about Charlie – click on the article to get a larger view.

