2021 Awards for Track & Field
Friday November 12th
The Awards Evening for athletes is taking place on Friday November 12th 2021. Please all come to this event, one of our social events for the year. You don’t have to be nominated to attend.
The Awards will be presented at a special evening at the Perivale Residents Association Sports and Social Club. Ealing Central Sports Ground, Horsenden Lane South, Perivale, UB6 8AP
This is the social club in the playing fields on the other side of the A40 to the track.
Public Transport; Perivale Tube. Bus 297 from Ealing Central via Argyle Road.
Time: 7.00pm to 9.30pm
Plenty of parking in car park & streets around.
Entrance Free to all. Fully licensed bar plus bar snacks available. All athletes, parents & guests will be very welcome. There is capacity in the function room for all.
A list of the Young Athletes nominated will be available on the club website and at the track. If you won a trophy last year, please bring it back to be represented by Thursday November 4th
This promises to be a great night, celebrating our successful summer, great performances and the commitment of our athletes.