Posts tagged ESM

Perivale 5 2024

It was a rather damp affair for this year’s Perivale 5, but spirits were high as we made our way to Perivale Park Athletics Track for what is, for many of us, one of the highlights of the running year. Many months of preparation go into making the Perivale 5 happen, managed by a small-but-perfectly-formed […]

Race report: San Sebastián ...

Race report written by Sarah Harris Earlier this year, Mariona and Sarah G hatched a plan to run the San Sebastián marathon. Fast forward to a few months later, and this had snowballed into a team event with around 20 ESMers plus supporters travelling to the Basque coastal city to participate in the 42k, 21K […]

Race report: ASICS 10k

Race report: ASICS 10k

Written by Sarah Gerrie Sunday the 9th July saw a bunch of ESM runners hop foot it into central London for the ASICs 10km. On a busy fixture day for ESM, the lure of a flat road race with great crowd support was too great which did somewhat leave our other fixtures for that day- […]

Exbury Gardens 10K — ESM o...

Report written by Sarah Harris. Thirteen brave ESMers took on the heat of Exbury Gardens 10K in Hampshire’s beautiful New Forest on a very sunny June Sunday. We came back a little sunburnt and fatigued but happy to have had a summer weekend of racing and team fun. Exbury 10K is pitched as one of […]