We are sad to announce that Ted Sutters, an Honorary Member of Ealing Southall & Middlesex AC, passed away on Tuesday 10th July at the age of 96.

Ted Sutters is in the back row, on the far right (photo courtesy of Tony Randall)
He is fondly remembered by fellow Ealing Harrier Tony Randall, back in the days when Ted was Club Secretary “at a time when you had to make a choice who you voted for!” Ted was also the club’s Team Manager during the 1960s, when the club enjoyed great success in road relays and cross country.
Tony was able to name some of those in the picture with Ted. Dennis Wraight – also in the picture – also has happy memories of his days at the club with Ted, and has provided the rest of the names:
Back row, left to right: Chris Canton – Sean Cooney – John Roche – Tony Randall – Roger Morland – Norman Williams – Mike Barratt – Ron Jewkes – Ray Morland – Roger Page – Dennis Wraight – Ted Sutters
Front row, left to right: Wally Garrod – Del Hebbes – Brian Cowle – Alan Storey – Charlie Brown – John Hyatt – John Lusty – P J Fagan
Ted had a distinguished volunteering record in the wider world of athletics, including running the AAAs standard scheme for some years. In addition, as Ian Byett of the English Cross Country Association reports: “Ted was for many decades a member of the English Cross Country Union Committee and was President during the 1968–69 season when the National was held at Parliament Hill.
“A leading Cross Country Official throughout the 1960s, 70s and into the 80s, Ted’s greatest appointment was to be the Referee at the XI IAAF World Cross Country Championships held in 1983 at Gateshead, Riverside Park. The event also took place on the Centenary of the ECCU and according to the entry list athletes from 27 different Countries took part.
Ted continued to officiate for many years after this before retiring to the Bournemouth area, although recently he had been in a care home in Ipswich. He is survived by his wife Margaret who is 98 years of age.”
The funeral will take place on Thursday 26th July 2018 at 3 pm at Seven Hills Crematorium, Felixstowe Road, Nacton, Suffolk IP10 0FG. Telephone: 01473 655614.
Any queries to his son, Peter Sutters, on 01473 730162.
No flowers please but any donations to Great Ormond Street Hospital, c/o Michael Smy Funeral Directors, 441 Bramford Road, Ipswich IP1 5AU.